For my learning pods EdTech Inquiry project we decided to explore the following inquiry question: 

How can YouTube be utilized within the classroom as an effective teaching resource?”

We were all interested in the topic, how we can each utilize the resource within our specific teachables, the benefits to teachers and students, its implications on learning, its challenges and concerns, and other relating concepts. 

Below I have embedded our video we created for our presentation for our EdTech Inquiry Project. Enjoy! 

Personal Takeaways: 

Going forward from this research project, I feel that I have a better understanding of YouTube and the role it can play within a classroom and in improving a student’s learning experience. For my teachable, PHE, I think that YouTube is an incredible resource for teachers. It can help to support students learning by providing visual representations of skills, movement patterns, and related concepts. Rather than explaining a skill verbally, while also trying to demonstrate it to a group of students, a teacher could utilize a YouTube video. This way, they can pause, rewind and slow down video playback and ensure that their instructions are expressed clearly. Additionally, I could see myself using YouTube when teaching areas of PHE that I don’t feel confident in, such as rhythmic movement units like dance. Using YouTube, I could watch videos to develop my personal skills, as well as my students could view tutorials and follow along with a video in real time. 

While we addressed many of the shortcomings of YouTube in our presentation, I think that YouTube provides significantly more positives to teaching and learning.